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Why now is a good time to look at what's in your wardrobe.

Writer's picture: Kate LewisKate Lewis

Updated: May 5, 2020

'Buy less, choose well, make it last' - no one says it quite as well as Vivienne Westwood.

Now, I won't be bringing up the 'C' word in this post - unless it's Chanel. But on a serious note, what I've noticed the last few weeks, without question, is the true realisation of what we've been doing to our planet in the last century.

People are commenting that the air feels fresher due to the decrease in pollution levels and whilst we're in this pandemonium of uncertainty, the juxtaposition of Mother Nature showing us just how beautiful her world is , is bringing the sense of calmness to our lives.

Globally, we consume around 80 billion pieces of new clothes every year. With 7.8 billion humans on the planet, this statistic is a startling realisation of our need for consumerism. With the high street on lockdown, I've noticed the online world is thriving. Online shopping is the new going out. Now this isn't a criticism to those who love shopping or spending money, but my philosophy in the years I've been a stylist is simple - do not spend money on an item of clothing that you can't justify wearing - because the clothes you wear really need to be loved.

'Oh I didn't even know I had this in my wardrobe' - is a line I've heard from nearly every client during their wardrobe detox. 'So do you really love this piece?' is usually my response. This is how I make every client question what really matters in their wardrobe and what pieces they can perhaps live without.

If thoughts such as:

'I have a closet full of clothes yet nothing to wear, '

I don't know how to wear what I have in my wardrobe' or

'I feel like I need an entire wardrobe'

then PLEASE read on.

With retailers offering virtual experiences whilst their brick and mortar stores are closed, we want to make sure we're looking at items that will be loved in our wardrobe. Pieces that will help pull our existing clothes together harmoniously without fear of being forgotten about in six months time. Do not fall into the trap of buying for the sake of it.


My virtual detox appointment starts with just a friendly and honest chat, about your wardrobe and your feelings towards your current clothes. From this I can identify what kind of problems you have with your existing wardrobe and what's missing. My goal with a detox is simple - at the end of your appointment you'll be able to wear all your pieces that are in your wardrobe instead of wearing 20% of your wardrobe, 80% of the time.


It's best in a virtual appointment to look at your clothes in categories. This is easier to establish the feelings you have towards each piece. We will have a chat along the way if you find an item you love, yet struggle with how to put it with other outfit options. I will be writing your personal online shopping list if (and only if) you require clothes that will help pull individual pieces together; thus creating the capsule wardrobe.

As a trained colour consultant I will discuss the colours that will bring your sense of style to life, colours you will look fabulous in and colours that really ought to be worn on someone else! Your colour card and aftercare manual will still be posted to you - no matter where you are in the world

As I can't physically be there I will discuss your wardrobe space (please provide a photo prior to the appointment so I can see your wardrobe capacity) and how best to rearrange the clothes back in your wardrobe. The end result? A wardrobe

that will provide, space, clarity and room for your clothes to breathe life back into your own style.


And don't take my word for it - it really does work

It has been a real pleasure getting to know Kate over the last few months. I commissioned Kate for a wardrobe detox - I couldn't fit in any more clothes! We went through my items of clothing, discussing which suited me and how to combine things together. What surprised me the most is how my confidence has now grown and I have a renewed interest in what to wear. The extra bonus is Kate is also my personal shopper and will find the statement pieces I am missing. Her knowledge is amazing and I am really looking forward to putting it into practice. Thanks Kate. - Dawn Adlam,


So, you have these clothes in your wardrobe that are now filling you with excitement again. You've had your colours done and your aftercare and upkeep manual is on it's way to you so you're clothes can now be cared for in the best way.

Now you may have a shopping list of items that are missing from your wardrobe. I cannot stress this enough - this shopping list is not endorsing your need to shop for unnecessary items that will sit, waiting to be worn. They are clothes that will help pull all your pieces together in order to create multiple outfit selections from your existing wardrobe. This can be done either alone or with my help. If you struggle with knowing what brands suit you then a personal , online shop by me can really be beneficial.

THE SHOP - approx one hour

During your consultation, I will initially discuss with you what it is we want to get from the online shopping experience, the items that are a priority and the desired amount you wish to spend. From there on in the rest is up to me. You can carry on with your day whilst I shop the online world for you. With years of experience in personal shopping, I will know where to shop and how to shop for your requirements.

Once I'm satisfied with my finds I will send you a link of the clothes that I feel will suit your body shape, lifestyle and style needs according to your budget. Each item will have a description on how it will benefit your wardrobe, what pieces to wear it with and how to wear the item across all seasons, not just for a few months.

This will be the beginning of building a capsule wardrobe that will not only be your style but will help provide the necessary thoughts of shopping more consciously.

I tell all my clients conscious shopping requires practise. For most people, thinking about what you already have in your wardrobe before you purchase doesn't happen straight away. It does take time. But having a refreshed wardrobe, full of clothes you love wearing and an idea of what items you need to make your wardrobe work for YOU will not only save you time in the mornings when you're getting ready, but also money.

Fashion for good @fashionforgood


It is no doubt such an uncertain time for retail and my heart goes out to every retail business, big and small. However in challenging times we have an opportunity to carve the way we want our future to be. I do feel we will see a certain shift in people's shopping habits and hopefully businesses will look at how they can provide sustainability to their consumers. Fast fashion is catching up with our planet - this we know.

Save your wardrobe @saveyourwardrobe

My favourite Instagram accounts to follow for sustainable wardrobe ideas.

1. Save you wardrobe @saveyourwardrobe

2. Mindful mending @mindful_mending

3 Hot second

4. Fashion for good


5. Know the origin


For more testimonials on just how my services are benefiting my clients please feel free to have a look at my LinkdIn profile

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